Allen Chihuahua takes the home practice amp up to a whole new level. A Class A single-ended tube amp using a single 6L6 or EL34 power tube for 10 watts to drive a 10" Copperhead speaker with a full tone stack including my RAW mid/gain boost control and all tube driven spring reverb! The reverb recovery has an extra gain stage which is very welcome for great overdriven tones. The RAW control unscoops the mids for a more 5F1 tweed type tone. It has a respectable amount of clean headroom and bottom end authority on bass notes for an amp this size/power. At only 17" by 17" and 24lbs it is the perfect grab n' go practice amp. I've added an additional filtering stage
to get rid of the typical "single-ended background hum" normally produced by these little amps so it is great for recording, too! All top notch components throughout including a stainless-steel chassis, US made power transformer, Heyboer output transformer, Accutronics 9" reverb tank, Switchcraft jacks, Carling switch, Mallory M150 tone capacitors, etc. Also available as a head and in kit form.
Posted 12/2011